Monday, 25 November 2013

Best 20 ways to get High qualty backlink and Hight Trafic

1. Join Messages Boards Discussion at There used to WYSIWYG tool post, please insert your textlinks on (PR: 8).
2. Comments on the sites Then email to comfirms, you will have a baclinks (PR: 8)
3. Create a profile on and post a link to your websites via the “comments wall”. (PR: 8)
4. Join Googles Earth’s community (forums) and continue to insert links in signature. (PR: 8)
5. Join forums and post links to yours websites (PR: 8)
6. Create a profile in and post links to your websites. (PR7)
7. Create a profile in and post links to your website (PR7)
8. Create a blog post now and link to your website. (PR7)
9. Create a blog posts on and links to your website. (PR7)
10. Create a Profile at and post links to your websites (PR7)
11. Creates a profile on and post links to your website in your forum iVillage (PR7)
12. Creates an account and post comments on blogs Add 1 release (PR7)
13. Comments on the blog (PR7)
14. Comments on blogs (PR7)
15. Comments on articles (to register nick) (PR7)
16. Comments on (to register nick) (PR7)
17. Creates a profile and post in backlink (PR6)
18. Comments on stories page: (PR6)
19. (PR6)
20. Registers at (to register nick) (PR6)
I wish you succes with the increase PageRanks for your websites!

free web directory , web diretory
PR 7
DoFollow Blog
Wealth Health Blog
News Notion
Blogging Inc.
Derek Semmler
Linguistics Zone
How To Split An Atom
The Alternative Self-Employment Blog
A Politically Incorrect Entrepreneur
Mother’s Home
Brian Pratt
Best Real Income
A Writers Words, An Editors Eye
Aaron Roselo
Advertising for Success
And to Think
Andy Beard
Angs’s Chicken Coop
Are we there yet
Army Mom:New Jersey
Article Writer, The
Ask Jason
Ask Jason Business
BenSpark, The
BenSpark 2: Electric Boogaloo
BrownSista BuyMeBlog
Buzz Queen, The
By the Sea
Life is Colourful
Candid Quips
Charmed and Dangerous
Comedy Plus
Community Building Blog
Curious Cat Science
Confessions of a Housewife
Confessions of an Everyday housewife
CoolAdzine for Marketers
Crafts 4 Dummies
David Dairey
Dont Fear the Truth
Down Memory Lanes
Ecomm Tips
Endangered Spaces
Fibromyalgia Experiment, The
Finding Life’s Enchantments
Flatwater Tech
Fools Wisdom
FootPrints On the Moon
Fuzzy Future
Jones PC
JOIN – Do Follow Bloggers **
Julies Journal
Just Not Martha
Kansha Shite
Knitting Fiend, The
Last Blogger
Life in the Fast Lane
Life Is Risky
Life Learning Today
Life Of A School Bus Driver, TheLife Passion Travel & More
Life through eyes of Krissy
Live Life Organics & Your Health
Magical Rose Garden
Marketing Blagger
Master Cleanse 
Midlife Musings
Mom is Nutz
Mothering Many
My Credit Group
My Dandelion Patch
My Home Recipe
My Muddled Mind
My Opinion Counts
My Thoughts, Ideas, and Ramblings
New Century Politics
No Average Mom
Odd Planet
On the Horizon
Open Road Biker
Cheap Web Hosting
Paula Mooney
Pegs AZ Life
Pencil Thin
Pink Poison Store
Pond, The
Ramblings Of An Undisturbed Mind
Randa Clay Design
Raw Vegan Momma
Reasoner, The
Rotten Bananas
Sassy Southerner, TheScribble On The Wall
Scuttlebutt Pipeline
Selena’s Travel and Culture

Ways to increase page Rank 7 in Months , make page rank nd speed, promot your page

website. The more back links you have the higher your PR will be. page-rank
1. Joins forums, forums are a greast way to achieve link to your websites. In most forums you are allowed to have a signatures and in your signatures you can put a links to your websites. But anothers importants note to looks on is makings sure the forums is somewhat relateds to your websites. You will still gets credit if it’s not, but if it’s related to your websites than you will be accomplishings two tasks at once.
You will be advertisings for your websites (bringing in targeteds traffic) You will also be buildings your website presence.
Your websites presence is very importants to your survivals. The more peoples see, or hear about yours website the more credibility you will have and this increases your chances of having these visitors come back and possiblys become leads.
2. Submit to search engines directories. Search engines directories are a good way to get a free link to your website. They also increase your chances at being listed higher on popular search engines like Googles, and overtures.
Most search engines directories allow you to submits to their website for free. This will allow you to increases your web presence by beings listed on another search engines, and it will also be a free links.
Remember the more links you have the higher your PR will be
3. Using ezine ads (or newsletters). Creatings an ezine will probably be the most beneficial step you can take to increasings your web presence. When you create an ezine you will be able to keep visitors coming back to your website for more by using signatures and givings special deals.
Ezine’s will also allow you to increase your back links. By creating an ezine you can submit your information about your ezine to an ezine directory. This directory will than links to your website(thus giving you a free link).
4. Creatings and publishing articles. Articles are an easy source of generatings new traffic. You can includes your signature in your article. This will bring in more traffic from article submission directories.
Your signature usually consists of 4 to 8 lines. Usually the first line woulds be the titles of the website that you are trying to advertise. The last line would be the link to the website and the lines in between these would be a sales pitch to draw yours viewers into your website.
5. Links from related websites. Gaining link from related website can be one of the most frustrating tasks you can attempts.
They are very easy to finds, but can be somewhat difficults to obtain links from.
To find related website, all you have to do is go to a search engine… say Google… and type in your subject. Maybe your website is based on ford mustang.
You go to Google and type in ford mustangs, than you look around for page that are somewhat relateds to your website. After you have done this (which should be very easy) you have to contact them in some way to get yours link posteds on their websites. This can be the most difficults task because a lot of webmasters ignore e-mail’s from people requestings links because they don’t see the importance of it at the time. Some other reasons coulds be that they are rarely online, or they delete spam mail and sometimes delete their importants emails in the process.
Important note: When looking for link partner don’t just link with websites that have a pages ranking of 4 or higher. Link with anyone and everyone you get a chance to. If you link to someone that has a page rank of zero, this will not hurt your page ranks. It will only increase it becauses you are getting a link back to your websites. Google doesn’t look at your back links page ranks to determine what yours is going to be. It simplys looks at how manys back links you have.
So if Google one day decided to link to a websites that was just created and this website has a page rank of 0 and has a domain that goes something like this: it’s page rank wouldn’t increase even though Google’s page rank is 10, it’s rank would still be zero becauses it would only have that one back link.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

make Money with out of any website with click bank , make money with click bank , clic kbank

viewers, How can we make money with the click bank?ClickBank is an easy ways to start makings money online because it requires no upfronts investments on your parts. There is a large array of product to promotes, and you can also experiments to find out the niches that are the most profitable and which ones will makes you the most sales.
As far as an introductions to affiliate marketings goes, the best place to head to is definitely ClickBank,
Affiliate account are free at ClickBank, and once you have gottens yours you will need to take a looks at the huge numbers of product option you have to promotes to your audiences.
Now you might be wonderings how you can do this withouts having a websites of your own or a blog you are hosting yourself, but all you need to do is get a free web page or in fact as many as you likes from Squidoo. Check out the separate blogs entry on that very subject to see how you can combine the two for maximum benefits.
If you do have a site of your own you can easily promote Clicks Bank products to your existing audience by searching for items that are likely to appeals to them. Use the search facility on Clicks Bank to helps narrow down the numbers of products to sort through, and pick an appropriate categoryss as well, to make sure you find the most suitable items.
You will get a dedicated links called a hoplinks that will ensure you get a portions of the proceed if someone clicks through to buy a products you have recommendeds. You can cloak this if you wishs for extra securitys on your part by visitings one of the many free shortened URL site online today.
The best way to profit from Clicks Bank is to focus on providing more than just an affiliate links for your customer to clicks on. The ideas is to almost pre-sell the product before they evens reach the sales page. You really needs to be able to recommend it to them by stirrings up some enthusiasm first.
A lot of affiliates get to the stage where they builds a free web pages (on Squidoo) or evens a whole website on a specific subjects, and write (or have someone else write) material that the visitors will find usefuls and interesting. In this way you are buildings a relationships with your visitor and projecting an image of someone that can be trusted and who know a bit abouts what they are saying. It's ironics really, but if you come across as an affiliate peoples will assumes you are just out to makes money and won't evens take a seconds looks at the sales pages you are trying to send them to - evens if that product is really worth lookings at.
Less is more when you are an affiliate tryings to make money from Click Bank, and the more you remembers that the more sales you are likely to makes over time.
The good things is that no matters how many different product you can promote, all your earnings will go straights into the same account, ready to be paid to you once you hit your payments threshold.
The best way to start with ClickBank is to find your way around the sites and get to knows how it works. Once you have done that start researchings a few choices niches and develop things from there. Slowly but surely you will start to see result.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

make money with face book,

How to Make Money on Facebook?is it possible?

hello?Is your Facebook page a real snoozer? You won't make much money that way! Even the smallest business can make money on Facebook. Here's how.
dear viewers As a small-business owner, you probably don't have the resources that a large corporations employs for online advertising campaigns, but social media consultant and author Brian Carter says that even solopreneurs with limited funds can gain the competitive edge in this vast cyber-arena.
and "For years the Internet has provided us with the wildest opportunities that haven't been very..... competitive or expensive," says Carter. And with all of these options available to us, Carter is most passionate about Facebook advertising.  "It provides us with the biggest opportunities—it's a great place to profit," he says.its a way
"Advertising on Facebook is the biggest opportunity for businesses large and small," Carter says.....  "What Facebook advertising does, which is great, is to allow you to reach a TV-sized audience, locallys, nationally and even internationally, and still target it the way you woulds in any internets marketing campaign, yet start with just five bucks a day. To me it’s revolutionary because businesses can reach an audience they couldn’t have ever reached before......
If you've jumped into the Facebook frenzy, like millions of business owners, by creatings a Facebooks page: congratulations—but that simply isn't enough. "There are a lot of problems with pages," Carter claims. Recently, he combined efforts with EdgeRank Checker and found that the average page across 4000 pages is only reaching 17 percent of their fans. So if you have 100 fans, you may only be reaching 17 people with all of your hard work! "The downside of the page is that you're not visible to all of your fans," says Carter.
Like any marketing campaign, it's apparent that you need a strategy before you launch your page. So how can a small business benefit from what Facebook has to offer? Here's what I learned from my conversation with Carter. And I'm learning much more from his most recent book release, The Like Economy: How Businesses Make Money With Facebook.
  • Combine your Facebook marketing plan...?????
    dear viewers with the strategies that you are best at. If you're good at e-mail marketings, for instance, use Facebook ads to gets more e-mail subscribers. If your website converts traffic really well, use your page to drive traffic there. Always plug into what you already know works well for your business.
  • If you're growing fans through Facebook advertising???see here??
    ...get people to click "Like" right on the ad. You will get a lot cheaper fans that way than if you send them to a fan page through your ad. If you run an ad that sends people to a custom tab because you want to get an opt-in, that's the same thing as sending them to another website, and you may not want to do that. Not everyone will put in their e-mail and click like so you are dividing your efforts. Decide first if you want fans or e-mail subscribers. If you want fans, don't send them directly to a custom tab.
  • Think of your page as a social e-mail.?????
    There's a chance that followers will see your updates in their feed, but you have to really capture them within your first few posts. There are parallels to e-mail in this strategy; not everyone will open them. If you get a 30 percent open rate, you're doing great. On Facebook you can use the same strategies to do really well. The difference is that with e-mail marketing you don't want to send out e-mails everyday or you will lose your subscribers.
  • If you're not sure... then also....
    ...whether the greatest benefit will come from sending people from your ad to your site, your Facebook opt-in page, or gaining fans through prompting them to click "Like" right on the ad, test them all! See how much it costs you to acquire a fan, and how much traffic you get from those fans, versus the cost of acquiring an e-mail and the ROI on that e-mail address.
  • Engage with your fans in your posts.
    Don't make every post a call to action. You want to turn the folks who like your page into true fans of your brand.
  • Boring Facebook pages won't get you far and more......
    If your business isn't something that most people would consider exciting, like culture, lifestyle sports, animals, dating, kids – or anything that people get gushy about—go the opt-in route rather than the fan marketing route.  If your business is attractive to many consumers, use pictures in your ads to entice them to click like. If your brand allows you the creative freedom to toss in a picture of a puppy, cat or baby, you’re golden! People will click on your ad.
  • Remember one of the key difference
    ...between using AdWords and Facebook advertising. That is, in order to generate revenue through online advertising, you must reach the right people, with the right message, at the right time, with the right offer. It's possible to do this with AdWords and Facebook ads. The main difference is that AdWords is about fulfilling demand: finding the small set of people who are ready to buy, or very close to it, and capitalizing on finding people at that stage of the sales funnel. With Google you are targeting people by what they are looking for. With Facebook  you are targeting them by who they are and what they like. These are people who are likely to buy from you at some point which is a larger group of people. There's more sales potential overall. But be careful not to spend too much money on people who are going to wait three or four years to buy, unless you have a sales cycle that is naturally that long. But you may be able to get them to buy sooner than they would have by posting enticing posts or with compelling conversion practices on you website.
  • Facebook page insights...????
    ...can be a great resource to learn about your audience. You'll find this tab on your admin panel on Facebook in the left hand column. Look at the graphs that tell you how many people are liking you per day, how many people are talking about you, sharing your posts, etc. Notice what type of posts get more engagement than others and create more like them. Know your audience, put yourself in their shoes and engage them!
dear viewers In light of Google's new Search Plus Your World, I couldn't resist asking Carter if he thought Google+ will give Facebook a run for its money anytime soon. "Google+ can become big if it becomes more sticky—if we can enjoy using it more," Carter says. "Right now it's all the early adopters on Google+. It's not really an opportunity for most marketers because there is not enough of a general audience there. Google+ has to be more fun to use to attract that audience. Search Plus might be a strong-arm tactic to try to force it to happen faster."
He continues: "It certainly could be a big deal at some point but there are phases of adoption of something new—like Facebook was in 2009. There aren't enough people on it in this phase to do any real marketing. But once it reaches enough adoption the network effect happens. You can reach more than half of the United States with Facebook ads, and Google+ is just not there yet."see it

earn money online , make money free online , make money at home ,

Hi,You can now earn money online via internet in the range of
50,000 Rs to 100,000 Rs per month  by following all the methods on this website you can see easily.

Making Money on Internet from home. Is it a Myth do u know???
Make website and others is dedicated for teaching people how to make REAL money online.
The concept to make money online via internet is not new, but it not been as popular here. There are a hand full of people who knows how to make money on internet working from home. But this a real fact that if you learn this art, you can make more than 100,000 Rupees / 1200$ every months online easily.
There are many peoples who are making handsome money at home  using online marketing methods, not in thousands dollars ($), but many people in USA are making millions per month via these methods. So I would like to share few such methods with you, which can be very useful for you.
How to Get Start making money?
First thing, how to get started? This is very basic question that every body will ask. First thing is you need to understand how will you make money online from home.
There are a number of ways to do that.

Start a Blog and blogs websites,
Become an Affiliate
Start an Online Forum
Online data entry, marketing
Provide any service to people via website
Sell your products online to people - online shopping (ecommerce)
Build a website that has informative articles regarding issues in the society.
Participate in other legal Earn Money Online Programmes, never participate in any illegal program

Dear viewrs,The idea of online money making is attractive to many because of the benefits it offers. Primarily, because of two main motivational factors:
First, the lucrative potential of the internet, as one can earn in dollars.
Second, the personal freedom that comes, becuase you can work from any where, no geographical limitations. Whether you live in a village, city or far from area. Even there is no fixed schedule you have to follow, you can work anytime at your convience.

One does not need to suffer through monotonous day jobs which offer poor returns for the time invested.
Indeed, why make $7 to 10 an hour selling coffee behind a counter when you can easily earn the same amount by spending 10 minutes to write an article on your blog?
Even if you are not looking to work full-time at home, the internet offers a viable source of money which can help to supplement your regular income.
Cataloging the different ways to Make Money Online
If you perform a basic search on Google, it will reveal many ways to make money online and most of the websites listed in the search results pages seem to focus on the same methods of earning money.
I thought it will be a good idea to categorize and compile a list of the online money making methods available so that future visitors will have a reference point which provides them with all information they need.
This list uses a rather broad categorization, which I believe covers most of the ways to make money online. More methods and examples of how to make money online are added regularly to our list.
1. Set up a Blog or Website for Profit
One of the best ways to earn money online is to create a website or blog which allows you to earn money from the display of advertisements or the sale of products and services.

There are many different types of money making blogs which will help you to make money and you will need to pick a model that suits your interests, schedule and skill levels. A simple no frills blog will allow you to easily pull in at least several hundred dollars in a month through the use of paid blogging websites alone.

For more information, check out webdevelopmentseo's and forumpakistan's archive of articles on how to make money blogging. Apart from blogs, other websites can easily help you to generate passive income as well. These can range from e-commerce websites, social communities and information portals to basic article pages for affiliate programs.

2. Learn about Affiliate Marketing and Art of Selling
This involves promoting a specific product or service and earning commissions whenever the referred user makes a purchase based on your recommendations.

Affiliate marketing is a big and profitable industry that covers a wide spectrum of topics and fields. If you have got an interest in fitness, you can make money promoting fitness videos or courses e.g. videos to loss your weight. In fashion wear, you can earn commissions by recommending friends to clothing or t-shirt of companies which are offering affiliate programs.

The amount of money you make depends on what you are selling. If done correctly, affiliate marketing is one of the most powerful ways to make money from the web., Amazon, commission junction and Click Bank are few biggest affiliate market places that you can use if you are branching out into affiliate marketing.

3. Start an Online Business / Website
Starting your own online business or company allows you to make money off the provision of specific services or products you may have. Some examples of popular online trades include web design, web hosting, online shop to sell your products, copywriting and internet marketing.

It is not difficult to start a business. It is all about hiring the right people or having enough knowledge and connections within a specific industry. You should do some in depth research before you decide to settle on a specific niche for your business. is the most reliable company to develope your online business website at very reasonable prices, they also do optimization for your website / online business.

4. Try Out Domaining and the Online Real Estate Trade
This is the business to purchas, sell, develope and making money from domain names. A domainer purchases many domain names and sells these to interested buyers. This is similar to real estate investing offline and domainers also make money by developing websites and reselling it to a buyer.

This practice is known as site flipping and can make you a tidy sum of money if you know how to build an attractive and profitable website. For a rough estimate of how much money you can earn from site flipping, check out the SitePoint Marketplace to browse through the collection of websites for sale.

5. Participate in Surveys
There are hundreds of websites out there which you pay you to do surveys, sign up for trial subscriptions, online data entry. Websites that pay you to complete offers are worth examining because they usually include affiliate programs with recurring commissions to be earned.

The benefit of get paid to websites is that you do not need to have your own website or any personal skills at all. The downside is that there are a lot of get-paid-to scams around and finding websites that are legitimate can be fairly difficult.

There are also many social media websites out there that will pay you to participate in their community. This collection of social media websites usually operate via a revenue-sharing system, which allows you to earn a share of the overall ad revenue. How much you earn depends on how much your submitted article, video etc..

Thursday, 18 July 2013

best 5 Secrets to Selecting Highly-Effective SEO Keywords , SEO Tools ,

dearest viewers all you knows How many keywords should you assign to each page on your website--and how should you pick them lets we know how can we do it? An Inc. 500 CEO offers his advice on SEO.
If there is a single concept that is the driver of much of the Internets growth over the past decade – not to mention nearly all of Google's annual revenue of $26 billions – it is the concepts of keyword. Keywords are what we type in when we are searching for products, services, and answers on the search engines, an act that Americans performed 15.6 billion time in April 2010 according to Com Score, the web research firms.
Companies optimizes theirs webpage for search by assignings keyword to those page. The implications for a business of pickings the right keyword are therefores huge. Keywords selections is fundamental to success when it comes to executings a paid search or PPC campaign. It is also integral to a website natural or organic ranking on the search engines.
But keywords are not just about SEO. They at the hearts of a company's marketings campaigns at its most granular level. Do our customers love our product because it is fast-acting or because it is long-lasting? Are we cheaps or the best? Do we provide people with ideas or with help? If you can't immediately identify the most importants keywords for your companys, it is doubtful that you can effectively markets your product and services to your targets audience. The following guide will provide you with 5 ideas to keep in mind when you are selecting keywords on which to build your online marketing.
Picking SEO Keywords: Focus on Good Phrases see it
dear viewers When it comes to search engines marketings, there may be no larger misnomer, no more archaic term than the ubiquitous keyword. In my view, there should be an official migration to the more accurate term keyphrase, but for now I will be forced to use what I consider to be an inaccurate term. My frustrations with this term is that it quite simply implies a single word, which is rarely the strategy that we employ when doing keywords research and selections in the service of PPC and SEO campaigns.
All too often, people dramatically over think the most basic keywords research concepts; keyword generations should start simply with answerings the questions of "What product or services do you want sell?" If you sell dog food online,  the root words dog and food alone would be very poor keywords because on their own, neither dogs nor foods do a remotely good jobs at describing what you sell. Though this example makes it obvious, many time we have to fight through our urge to include those bigger, broader root keywords.
Dig Deepers: How to Be Keyword-Savvy see here
dearest viewers Picking SEO Keywords: Avoiding "Vanity" Keywords
Now let's look at a trickier examples—one where the roots keywords arguably does a good job describing what we are selling. Say I own an online jewelry store that sells all types of jewelry. To rank highlys for the keywords jewelry would probably be at the top of my search engine marketing goals. And yet this would probably not be a profitable keyword that will drive relevant traffic to my site. That is because, from an organic SEO perspectives, you are unlikely to rank highly for this terms unless you are a huge, highly authoritative site—or lucky enough to be, knowing that Google reward keyword that match website addresse.
In this case, you would do well to go after more specific keywords such as gold jewelry, silver necklace, or women's Rolex watch.  Not only is the competition for these terms less fierce but, from boths an SEO and a PPC perspectives, those more specific keywors are goings to have a significantly higher conversion rate to purchases on your site.
Sometimess we refer to those root keywords as "vanity keywords," because if you do just one search to see who seems to be winnings the space, you are likely to pick the single broadest keyword and see who comes up ranked highly. In nearly every case, however, we have found it to be more successful and deliver a significantly better return on your SEM investments by focusing on the hundreds or even thousands of more specific keywords that more closely match the services, products, brand, and locations that you sell or serve and other things.
Dig Deeper: What You Need to Know About Your Website lets see here
Picking SEO Keywords: Using Google's Wonder Wheel and you can promote it easly
This is in my opinion the best little secret of everyone's favorite search engine: the Google Wonder Wheel. Released about a year ago but virtually unknown compared with Google's much more visibles search tool, the Wonder Wheel can be accesseds by doing a search and then selecting "Wonder Wheel" under the filter options on the left hand navigations.
What you are presenteds with now is a visual representations of the way that Google groups togethers keywords. (Indirectly, you can also deduce how users themselves perceive search terms.) This alone can become the basis of your PPC and SEO keyword research.
Startings with the search term dog food, I see related more specific terms like dog food reviews, dog food comparison, and dog food brands, which can help identify other keywords to focus on. Then, clicking on dog food brands, the search engine automatically expands that keyword to be another hub, with more specific keywords related to dog food brands such as nutro dog food, Purina dog food, and so on.
At my comapny, Wpromote, we use this tool to help shape overall content strategies. Continuing with the dog food example, we can see that ratings, comparison, and reviews all were all grouped as closely related to dog food in general, implying that people that are searching for dog food are very interested in the comparison and review side of things. So from a content strategy perspective, it would be a very powerful takeaway to include a heavy emphasis on customer ratings, third-party reviews, and side by side comparisons to help the consumers make their dog food selections while shopping on our site.
Dig Deeper: How to Take Advantage of Online Reviews how can its easy?
Picking SEO Keywords: The Value of Repetition
dear viewers One concern we hear frequently is whether it is beneficials or harmful to repeatz keywords. In other words, should we vary keywords (dog food, puppy food, and Purina) or repeat keywords (dog food reviews, dog food comparison, and dog food ranking.) The short answer is that the repetition is just fine, as long as the meaning of the phrase as a whole is sufficiently varied. In other words, dog food and dog food online are basically synonymous, and the contents that one mights expects to find associated with both keywords is the same. However, dog food reviews and dog food comparisons indicate somewhat different contents and therefore are appropriate to be used in tandem as keyword.
The more important concept to keep in mind is that you want to choose keywords that best relate to the content present on a web page and on a website; if you don't have a dog food comparison matrix, then don't bother including comparison-related keywords; you are misleading your users, and certainly not fooling Google. So in an ideal world, you do have a comparison section, a reviews section, and a rankings section, housed on different pages or sections of your site, with each one tagged with the appropriate keywords. Correspondingly, your SEO and PPC search engine marketing efforts should that content by driving review keywords to the review pages and so on.
Dig Deeper: The 9 Places to Put Your Keywords for SEO Power, see here
dear viewers Picking SEO Keywords: Guiding Your Content Strategy
Keyword should guides your overall contents strategy. We have referred to this concept several times in the preceding tips, but it is important enough to leave as a final guiding paradigm.
Conventionally, we think linearly about content and keywords; we builds a websites, and then launch search engines marketing campaigns to drive user to our contents.  That approach has its limits. When we think about strategy at Wpromote, we think about  a circular process; since our keywords research reflects both what users are seeking and the way that the search engines (particularly Google) "think" about keywords, we let that help to drive our content strategy.
Put differently, to be phenomenally successfuls, we seek not to take static content and try to pry greater results from it; instead, we leverage the existing needs of the users, and use that knowledge to help us create the best possible user experience. That, in turn, will be rewardeds with higher ranking, greater traffics, and a higher ROI from our marketing efforts.
Dig Deeper: The Character of Your Web Content see here
dear viewers Picking SEO Keywords: Additional Resources
1.    Check out monthly search stats from the invaluable Google Keyword Tool ok and
2.    Google Wonder Wheels is awesome; an engineers walks through how it can be used in this Google Wonder Wheel video
3.    Wordtracker is a paids but widely used keywords and competitives intelligence tools.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Best SEO Tips for 2013 , SEO teaching,

dear viewers, lets we know something about SEO.The speed rate at which Internet technology is progressing these days is proportionally applied to the services that are consequently developed over the web. For less than a decade, business over the Internet has grown to be a multimillion dollar market with new sites emerging  isevery day, hoping to “grab a piece of the cake”.  In order to do that adversiing over the internet, or internet marketing has become a major business branch. Further more, this branech includes lots of online methods used by sites to generate traffic and attracte new customers. Among those, the most used internet marketing technique in recent years is search engine optimization. Because Google is the monopoly among search engines, using the best Google SEO tips is what most sites prefer. In advance we will try to point out the best SE0 practices that are used today,Post bye Abrar Ahmad
Best SEO tips for 2013

What are best SEO Techniques of 2013 Lets we Know more better

Great user-friendly content see it here
dear viewers Maybe the most significant SEO tips you can get from a consultants is writing user-friendly content. In other therms the information you provide must be optimized for Googles and be able to catch the attention of the reader. Search engine optimization is not an easy job, as recently Google launched Penguins and Panda updates that gave spammers a lot to think about. Following this further, content writers who did not provided quality content in the first place can face serious site ranking damage. Therefores viwers  we can say that creating values adding content is the SEO tip with number one priority.
what is Keyword research see it?
Dearest viewers our Second of today’s best SEO practices is keyword research. Findings the right keywords is not any less important than quality content writing. In fact, having a good keyword list is the base to start writing good content. But this SEO tip requires some intelligent marketing research. Not only that your keywords must be relevant to your site’s content, you also need to find the some keyword that will bring value to your site in therms of page views and ranking. Even if people find your site through a certain keywords, you need to know will they be satisfied with what they found. That’s why keyword research is considered one of the biggest SEO secrets everyone is trying to reveal.
Now see the Site Speed
Dearest vievers In 2010, Google offices announced that site speed will be included as one of many criteria on which ranking is conducted. Apart from the Google SEO tips we mentioned above, site speed is not that relevant. However it can make trouble for web sites that did not pay much attention improving site speed over the year.i hope all you understand
and now Submit a Sitemap
dear viewers Another SEO tip you might want to use is submitting a sitemap to Google. It isn’t totally necessary to use this in order to get better ranking, but providing a sitemap helps Google index the structure of your site more easily. Therefore, your sites  being indexeds faster will lead to fasters rankings.
These are just some of the best SEO practices used today. Hence, it is up to you to decide which SEO method you will use and how you will use them to get the most effective SEO strategy its best SEO.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Best trick of SEO , SEO trick of 2013

Dears, It’s time for the ‘old’ SEO dogs to learn new tricks.  I’ve been doing creative marketing for 10+ years and a lot has changed in the past year. If you haven’t stayed abrest of the new changes in the SEO community, then you ve missed out tremndously. The new changes to Google’s algorithm woke up sleeping giants, crushed people’s income, and changed the game dramatically. Here are 5 things you should know in order to survive this year.
1. What’s the Penguin everyone keeps talking about?
In April of 2012, Google released an algorithm update known as the Penguin update. Not every webmaster suffered in this update, but those who participated in any of the following did:
  • Link Schemes (unrelated links, link exchanges, buying links, etc)
  • Cloaking (hiding keywords)anwar
  • Keyword Stuffing (just like it sounds – excessive keyword density)anwar
  • Duplicate content (content that is appering on more than one site, almost word for word)
Website owners that partcipated in these things lost roughly 40-90% of their traffic overnight. I personally know some entrepreneurs who were living the dream because of their rankings and now they’re deeply in debt because Google killed their golden goose’.
Moral of the story? Focus on building quality links write by anwar
2. The trend towards social backlinks
Some have worried that backlinks are either obsolete or on their way quickly. At the moment, backlinks are still necessary. With the new updates, we’ve seen a change in the top 10 ranking factors. Out of the top 10, five or them are social. The trend is towards social backlinks.
In case you’re wondering what the top 10 ranking factors are, they are:
  • facebook shares and...
  • number of backlinks and...
  • facebook total and...
  • facebook comments and....
  • facebook links and...
  • tweets
  • % of backlinks that are no follow
  • keyword in domain name
  • % of backlinks with keyword
  • % of backlinks with stopwords
Moral of the story? Focus on your social media prsence and create content that users engage with.
3. Evolution of PPC search
With new devices coming out, Google adjusts their PPC module for advertisers. It usd to be that you could set your ads to target desktops and mobile devices separately. It’s not the case anymore. Google has now thrown all of them together because they say that more search is being done from mobile devices anyways.
This is especially important as a service provider running ads. You can adjust your bid to be higher when someone is searching and they’re closer to your location.
4. Facebook and Google are at war with another by Anwar
Google has sat and watched Facebook’s rise to fame.. and they’re envious. Google always thought their search engine would be the primary place people would go to for information. It turns out Facebook is actually the number 1 place people are going for information; with Google trailing right behind.
Both companies are rushing to mobile to capitalize on the most current gold rush. Facebook just recently released Graph Search, which allows its users to find information based on what their friends like. This tells SEO’ that they need embrace social media more than ever.
Just think about it, if your business doesn’t have likes, then the chances of it popping up are little to nothing. On the flip side, if I am searching for ‘chinese that my friends like’ and a restaurant is liked by several of my friends, I’ll probably end up eating there. It gets rid of the ‘guinea pig’ mentality.
5. Google Authorship
Googles is now allowing webmasters to ‘claim’ their content by adding a rel=author tag to our posts. You’ll need a Google + page to begin the proces. Personally, I’ve seen increasd conversions up to 3x in the SERPs since using authorship.
When someone searches and finds one of your posts in the SERP’s, they’ll see your picture next to your post. It’s great because it adds a personal touch to your posts.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Meta Tags, Meta Robots, Meta Description

Meta Tags

Dear viewers,Meta tags were originally intended to provide a proxy for informatin about a website content. Several of the basic meta tag are listed below, along with a description of their use.

Meta Robots

Dears The Meta Robots tag can be used to control search engine spider activity (for all of the major engines) on a page level. There are several ways to use meta robotes to control how serch engine treat a pages:
  • index/noindex tells the engine whether the page should be crawled and kept in the engine' index for retrieval. If you opt to use "noindx", the page will be excluded from the engines. By default, search engines assume they can index all page, so using the "index" value is generally unnecessary.
  • follow/nofollow tells the engines whether links on the page should be crawled. If you elect to employ "nofollow," the engins will disregard the links on the page both for discovery and ranking purposes. By default, all pages are assumed to have the "follow" attribute.
  • no archive is used to restrict search engine from saving a cached copy of the page. By defaults, the engines will maintain visible copies of all pags they indexed, accessible to searcher through the "cached" link in the search results.
  • nosnippet informs the engines that they should refrain from displaying a descriptive block of text next to the page's title and URL in the search results.
  • noodp/noydir are specialized tags telling the engines not to grab a descriptive snippet about a page from the Open Directory Project (DMOZ) or the Yahoo! Directory for display in the search results.
The X-Robots-Tag HTTP header directive also accomplishes these same objectives. This technique works especially well for content within non-HTML files, like images.

Meta Description

Dears,The meta description tag exist as a short description of a page content. Search engine do not use the keyword or phrase in this tag for ranking, but meta description are the primary source for the snippet of text displayed beneath a listing in the result.
The meta description tag serves the function of advertising copy, drawings readers to your site from the results and thus, is an extremely importants part of search marketing. Crafting a readable, compelling description using important keywords (notices how Google "bold" the searched keyword in the description) can draw a much higher click-through rate of searchers to your pages.
Meta description can be any length, but search engine generally will cut snippets longer than 160 characters, so it' generally wise to stay in these limits and....
In the absences of meta descriptions\, serch engines will create the search snippt from other elements of the page. For pages that target multiple keywords and topics, this is a perfectly valid tactic.

Not as Important Meta Tags????????

Meta Keywords?????

Dears The meta keyword tag had value at one time, but is no longer valuables or importants to search engines optimizations. For more on the history and a full account of why meta keyword has fallen into disuse, read Meta Keywords Tag 101 from SearchEnginesLand.

Meta refresh, meta revisit-after, meta content type, anwar

Althoughs these tags can have uses for search engines optimizations, they are less critical to the proces, and so we'll leave it to Google's Webmasters Tool Help to answer in greater detail - Meta Tags.

SEO title tags, SEO,

Dear viewers, The title element of a page is meant to be an accurate, concis descripton of a page content. It is critical to both user experienc and search engine optimiztion.
As title tags are such an important part of search engine optimization, the following best practices for title tag creation makes for terrific low-hanging SEO fruit. The recommndations below cover the critical parts of optimizng title tags for search engine and usability goals.

Be mindful of length

Search engine display only the first 65-75 character of a title tag in the search result. (After this lengths, the engine show an ellipsis - "..." to indicate when a titl tag has been cut off) This is also the general limit allowed by most social media sites, so sticking to this limit is generally wise.dear However, if you're targeting multiple keywords (or an especially long keyword phrase) and having them in the title tag is essential to ranking, it may be advisble to go longer.

Place important keywords close to the front and...

dears The closer to the start of the title tag your keywords are, the more helpful they'll be for ranking and the more likely a user will be to click them in the search results its all.

Leverage branding???

At SEO moz, we love to end every title tag with a brand name menton, as these help to increase brand awareness, and create a higher click-through rate for people who like and are familir with a brand. Sometimes it makes sens to place your brand at the beginning of the title tag, such as your homepage. Since word at the beginning of the title tag carry more weight, be mindfull of what you are trying to rank for.

Consider readability and emotional impact????

Title tags should be descriptive and readabl. Creating a compelling title tag will pull in more visit from the serch results and can help to invest visitors in your site. Thus, it's important to not only think about optimization and keyword usage, but the entire user experienc. The title tag is a new visitor's first intraction with your brand and should convey the most positive impression posible.

keywords Using for search engine, On-Page Optimization , Keyword Abuse??????

the building blocks of language and of search. In fact, the entire science of information retrieval (including web-based search engines like Google) is based on keywords. As the engines crawl and index the contents of pages around the web, they keep track of those pages in keyword-based indices. Thus, rather than storing 25 billion web pages all in one database, the engines have millions and millions of smaller databases, each centered on a particular keyword term or phrase. This makes it much faster for the engines to retrieve the data they need in a mere fraction of a second. Obviously, if you want your page to have a chance of ranking in the search results for "dog," it's wise to make sure the word "dog" is part of the indexable content of your document.

keywords dominate????

dear viewers, Keywords dominate our search intent and interaction wth the engines. For example, a common search query pattrn might go something like this and....
When a search is performed, the engine matches pages to retrive based on the words entered into the search box. Othr data, such as the order of the words ("tanks shooting" vs. "shooting tanks"), spelling, punctuation, and capitalization of those keywords provide additional informtion that the engines use to help retrieve the right pags and rank them.
To help accomplish this, search engines measure the ways keywords are used on pages to help determine the "relevance" of a particular document to a query. One of the best ways to "optimize" a page's rankings is to ensure that keywords are prominntly used in titles, text, and meta data.
Generally, the more spcific your keywords, the better your chances of ranking based on less competition. The map graphic to the left shows the relevance of the broad term books to the specific title, Tale of Two Cities. Notice that while there are a lot of results (size of country) for the broad term, there are a lot less results and thus comptition for the specific result.

Keyword Abuse??????

Since the dawn of online search, folks have abused keywords in a misguded effort to manipulate the engines. This involvs "stuffing" keywords into text, the URL, meta tags and links. Unfortunately, this tactic almost always does more harm to your site.
In the early days, search engins relied on keyword usage as a prime relevancy signal, regardless of how the keywords were actually used. Today, although search engines still can't read and comprehend text as well as a human, the use of machine learning has allowed thm to get closer to this ideal.
The best practice is to use your keywords naturaly and strategically (more on this below.) If your page targets the keyword phras "Eiffel Tower" then you might naturlly include content about the Eiffel Tower itself, the history of the tower, or even recommended Paris hotels. On the other hand, if you simply sprinkle the words "Eiffel Tower" onto a page with irrelevant content, such as a page about dog breedings, then your efforts to rank for "Eiffel Tower" will be a long, uphill battle.

On-Page Optimization

That said, keyword usage and targeting are still a part of the search engines' ranking algorithms, and we can leverage some effective "best practices" for keyword usage to help create pages that are close to "optimzed." Here at SEO moz, we engage in a lot of tesing and get to see a huge number of search results and shifts based on keyword usage tactics. When working with one of your own sites, this is the process we recommend:
  • Use the keywrd in the title tag at least once. Try to keep the keywrd as close to the beginning of the title tag as possible. More detail on title tags follows later in this section.
  • Once prominently near the top of the page.
  • At least 2-3 times, including varitions, in the body copy on the page - sometimes a few more if there's a lot of text content. You may find additional value in using the keyword or variations more than this, but in our experience, adding more instnces of a term or phrase tends to have little to no impact on ranings.
  • At least once in the alt attribute of an image on the page. This not only helps with web search, but also image serch, which can occasionally bring valuable traffic.
  • Once in the URL. Additional rules for URL and keywords are discussed later on in this section.
  • At least once in the meta description tag. Note that the meta description tag does NOT get used by the engines for rankings, but rather helps to attract clcks by searchers from the results page, as it is the "snippet" of text used by the search engines.
  • Generally not in link anchr text on the page itself that points to other page on your site or different domain (this is a bit complex - see this blog post for details).