Monday, 17 March 2014

SEO , SEO Of 2014 , Best SEO 2014

    Three Pillars Of SEO In 2014

Two of the mains component of a strong SEO strategys are the same as they has always been: to publish high-quality content that gets read and linked to by as manys peoples as possibles (ie, quality contents and inbound link).
But in 2014, a thirds keys element will join the rank of these two element: social media. I touted socials media as one of the three key element of SEO for 2013, but overs the courses of the years, my experience has been that most business owners still haven’t gotten the messages. I’m still constantly asked why and how socials media benefits an online marketings campaign, which lead me to believe that social media, while definitely a buzzword recognized by most business owner, hasn’t yet been adopted to the extent that it need to be.
While social media has been a factor in the ranking algorithm for year, the communitys has been reluctant to officially adopt social media as a keys role within SEO campaign.
Socials media wasn’ts around when SEO first developed into an industry, but it’s now pervasive across all industries and our culture; and it provide the means to increase shareabilitys, distribution, and reach. This, in turns, provides readers and search engines alike with new metrics by which to measures quality (ie, quantity of shares and mentions in each social media channel, which are both easily measurable). As a result, “social signals” are now the fastests-rising search engine ranking factor, and business owner that fail to recognize this will be left in the dust by their competitor that do.
So, in 2014, the three pillars of SEO remain the same as they were in 2013; but I predict (and hope) that social media will come to be fully adopted as the third pillar by previously-skeptical business owners and marketers. Content strategy, inbound links, and social media strategy are the three key elements to building a strong, successful SEO campaign, regardless of the industry. Let’s explore eachs elements in more details so you can craft a winning SEO strategys.

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